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Trouble Shooting

When SD cards are broken

  1. Insert a broken SD card to your PC.
  2. If possible, clean up and rewrite the OS image referencing the section. If the trial fails, you should use new SD card and write in the OS image to the SD card.

When camera is not detected

  1. Confirm if legacy camera support is enabled or not, referencing the section.
  2. Confirm if camera cable is connected properly or not.
  3. If the trouble is not solved in spite of the operations above, change camera or Raspberry Pi.

When obcam doesn't work regardless of activation of the flight camera mode

  1. Connect a monitor and keyboard to the Raspberry Pi and check log output from obcam.
  2. Execute obcam in the terminal and check the response.
    sudo obcam /usr/local/src/obcam/
  3. If obcam is not installed, install obcam and activate the flight camera mode, referencing the section.
  4. If obcam successfully run in this way, it is possible that the flight camera mode is deactivated. Thus, activate the flight camera mode:
    sudo /usr/local/src/obcam/scripts/
  5. If the shell tells you that /usr/local/src/obcam/ doesn't exist, it is possible that the flight camera mode have never been activated. Thus, activate the flight camera mode:
    sudo /usr/local/src/obcam/scripts/